We use "cookies" to make the most of your visit to our website. They can be used to personalize content and ads, to analyze traffic, and to display various third-party plugins (e.g. social sites, online chat). At the same time, we share information about your use of the site in an anonymized form with our partners in the field of social networks, advertising and web analytics. More information can be found here.
Marketing "Cookies" are used to monitor customer behavior on the site. Their goal is to provide relevant and useful advertising for each individual user, making them beneficial to all. (more)
Statistical "Cookies" help website owners to understand how users behave on their sites by collecting and reporting anonymous data. (more)
These "Cookies" are indispensable for the functionality of the website and ensure its functioning, for example, when navigating and making user sections available. This site cannot function properly if cookies are not enabled. (more)
These "cookies" primarily help to personalize the content, for example, by offering specific products according to the history of your web browsing or according to orders. (more)
We use "Cookies" to make the most of your visit to our website. They can be used to personalize content and ads, to analyze traffic, and to display various third-party plugins (e.g. social sites, online chat).
You can find your "Cookie" settings and other information on the “Cookies” settings page
Použití | Míchání betonových směsí pro prefa výrobu |
Mísicí jádro | 2x ORU MS 500/330 P vč. skipu |
Dávkování vody | Váha jedno-snímačová |
Dávkování sypkých mat. | Váha tří-snímačová |
V nedávném projektu jsme modernizovali dvě mísicí centra během jediné odstávky. Výměnili jsme staré míchačky za nové ORU MS 500/330 P s virblem a skipem pro dokonalé míchání záměsi a kompletně nahradili vážicí systém.
Investice přinesla vyšší efektivitu, přesnost a spolehlivost výrobního procesu, což zlepšilo reakci na tržní požadavky a kvalitu produkce.
Jsme hrdí na úspěch tohoto projektu a těšíme se na další výzvy.